April’s intention is to invite the public to seek peace and to spread the idea that we can find it within…

My question is quite simple… Got peace? If so, great! If not… seek it within. How? Perhaps through a Reiki session, a T’ai Chi Chih class, a shamanic session, meditation, prayer, yoga or any other mode which helps you get quiet and focus internally on that still, small, wise voice inside.

SHAMANIC SESSION: At first, I was a little afraid of what might happen during my soul retrieval. But April created a completely safe, emotionally supportive space for the experience, and restored the lost fragments of myself in a way that was deeply moving. Overall, the “reunion” was a surprisingly joyful one!

Nancy, Abington, PA

REIKI SESSION: I found my Reiki sessions with April to be very relaxing yet energizing at the same time.

Dawn, Woodlyn, PA